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Pastor George Bowers
Describe your job in 10 words or less.
Sharer and shiner of the Gospel light of Jesus.
What’s one of your favorite Scriptures?
Galatians 6:9
Where’s your favorite spot in Virginia?
My deer stand
Where’s your favorite place you’ve traveled?
Yellowstone National Park---Beauty AND wildlife—what’s not to like?
What makes you laugh the most?
My grandson, Noah
What’s your favorite smell?
Moldy leaves in the fall.
What are your top 3 favorite movies?
Raiders of the Lost Ark, Monster Bucks (pick a year), Current-Captain America
What’s your hidden talent or a fun fact about you?
On occasion, I’ve been known to play the accordion, organ, harmonica, and piano, though not all at the same time.
What’s your favorite family tradition?
Family Devotions
If you could have dinner with anyone (past, present, or future) who would it be?
Jesus Christ
What year did you start working here?
January 1, 1996

Pastor George has been serving as pastor at Antioch since 1996. He began serving the congregation part-time while he taught High School Agriculture and became fulltime in 2003.
“I'’m very thankful for the privilege of serving Jesus and the people of Antioch in this role. I have seen God do much here over the years and firmly believe that He has yet greater plans for the future. We’re very blessed to be a part of what He is doing in this place.”
Together, he and his wife Nancy have four children, Allen and Mary Bowers and Meghan and Brandon Ashworth. Pastor George enjoys hunting and reading, playing the piano and writing poetry.
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